
Premier League









  • 質問: 「今日の試合の感想をお聞かせください。」
    • 回答: 「オフィスでの初勝利で、非常にタフな試合でした。特に最初の数分は予想通り激しい展開で、グディソン・パークでの試合に期待されるような状況でした。しかし、私たちは一丸となってサバイブし、非常にコンパクトな守備ができたと思います。エヴァートンからの多くのクロスにもよく対応でき、特にボックス内の守備が良かったです。試合が進むにつれて、ボールを持っているときの良い瞬間もあり、最終的には私たちにとってふさわしい勝利だと思います。」
  • 質問: 「エヴァートンが序盤から積極的に攻めてきましたが、どのようにして冷静さを保ち、試合を進めたのですか?」
    • 回答: 「このような環境の中で、自分たちのクオリティを信じ、プランを信じることが非常に重要です。そして、チームメイトがそこにいることを信じて、一緒に苦しみながらも冷静さを保つことができました。非常に大切なのは、完璧ではない時でも、互いを信じ、プランを信じ続けることです。今日の試合で特に良かったのは、その点でチームが特別な存在だったということです。」
  • 質問: 「今日の試合で特に満足している点は何ですか?」
    • 回答: 「私にとっては、チームの一体感とクリーンシートを達成したことが非常に重要です。守備に関しては、ストライカーから始まり、全員が守備の意識を持ってプレーしていました。エヴァートンには大きなチャンスがほとんどなく、それは私たちの守備の成果だと思います。今日は多くのポジティブな要素がありましたが、謙虚さを忘れず、引き続き努力を続けることが大切です。」
  • 質問: 「ファンとの交流について教えてください。」
    • 回答: 「試合終了後、ファンの皆さんと少し交流しましたが、彼らのサポートには本当に感謝しています。ブライトンから多くのサポーターが駆けつけてくれたことは非常に大きな力になりました。彼らのおかげで、私たちも良い結果を残すことができたと思います。」

English Article

Full Interview with Brighton’s Manager Hurzeler After the Everton Match

Brighton’s manager, Hurzeler, spoke in detail about his team’s performance and his reflections on the match against Everton. He expressed particular satisfaction with the team’s defensive unity and overall performance, showing confidence for the upcoming season.


Hurzeler highly values the away victory against Everton. His statements reflect a strong sense of satisfaction, especially regarding the team’s organized defensive play and their resilience. He emphasized that the team followed the match plan faithfully, which led to this successful outcome.

Match Details

The match against Everton unfolded as expected, with an intense start. Brighton faced significant pressure early on, but Hurzeler praised the team for maintaining composure and controlling the game. Defensively, they were strong, particularly in dealing with crosses, which prevented Everton from creating any major chances.

As the game progressed, Brighton began to dominate possession and executed effective actions, leading to a well-deserved victory, according to Hurzeler.

Full Interview Transcript with Manager Hurzeler

  • Question: “What are your thoughts on today’s match?”
    • Answer: “It was a tough game, especially in the first few minutes, which unfolded exactly as we expected here at Goodison Park. However, we survived together, stayed compact, and I believe we defended very well, particularly in the box against numerous crosses from Everton. As the game progressed, we controlled the ball better and had some very good moments in possession. In the end, I believe it’s a well-deserved win for us.”
  • Question: “Everton came out flying from the start, how did you manage to stay composed and execute your game plan?”
    • Answer: “In such an atmosphere, it’s crucial to trust in our own quality and the plan, and to know that your teammate is there. We suffered together, but we remained calm and stuck to our match plan, even though not everything was perfect. What made this team special today was the trust we had in each other and in our plan.”
  • Question: “What pleased you the most about your team’s performance today?”
    • Answer: “For me, it’s always about the group’s togetherness and achieving a clean sheet. Everyone contributed, starting from the striker who had a defensive mindset. Everton didn’t have any big chances, which is a testament to our defensive work. There were many positive aspects today, but it’s important to stay humble and continue working hard.”
  • Question: “Could you share your thoughts on the connection with the fans?”
    • Answer: “After the match, I had a brief interaction with the fans, and I’m really thankful for their support. The number of Brighton supporters who traveled here was immense, and their backing played a significant role in our success today. I’m very happy for them as well.”