リカルド・カラフィオリ、アルセナルでのデビューに期待高まるHigh Hopes for Calafiori’s Debut at Arsenal

Premier League









  • 質問1: リカルド・カラフィオリがエミレーツで特別な歓迎を受けましたが、その反応についてどう思われますか?
    • アルテタの回答: 私はそれが大好きです。ファンが私たちの選手をこのように歓迎してくれるとき、選手にとっては素晴らしいことです。彼らはすぐに愛され、尊敬されていると感じます。これは、新たにクラブに加わった選手にとって信じられないほどの基盤です。
  • 質問2: カラフィオリが他の守備陣に加わることで、どのような新しい要素がチームにもたらされると考えていますか?
    • アルテタの回答: 彼は非常に多才で、攻撃でも異なるスペースを占めることができるため、相手チームに新たな脅威をもたらします。また、守備においても彼の存在感とフィジカルは非常に強力で、彼がプレーすることでチーム全体の守備力が向上します。
  • 質問3: カラフィオリが今後の試合でどのような役割を果たすと考えていますか?
    • アルテタの回答: 彼は攻撃と守備の両方で非常に柔軟に対応できる選手です。シーズンが進むにつれて、彼がどのポジションでも自信を持ってプレーできることが、チームにとって非常に有益です。彼の成長はチームの戦術の幅を広げ、より多くの選択肢を提供します。
  • 質問4: チーム内でのセットプレーの進化についてどうお考えですか?
    • アルテタの回答: 我々は常に進化を続けています。今日の試合でもセットプレーからのゴールがありましたが、これは自信を与え、相手にとって新たな脅威となります。今後もこの要素を強化し、予測不可能な戦術を追求していきたいと思います。






Mikel Arteta has placed significant expectations on new signing Riccardo Calafiori as he integrates into Arsenal’s squad. While satisfied with the team’s overall performance during preseason, Arteta emphasized that Calafiori’s versatile playing style and defensive capabilities will be key assets in the upcoming season.

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Successful Preseason and New Expectations

Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta has acknowledged that preparations for the 2023-2024 season are progressing well, with the preseason tour being a notable success. Arteta praised the team for their high-level performance, particularly in the first half of games, and their ability to maintain this intensity throughout. Amid this positive momentum, Arteta has high hopes for Riccardo Calafiori, the team’s new defensive signing.

Riccardo Calafiori’s Debut

Riccardo Calafiori is being seen as a crucial addition to Arsenal’s defense. In his debut, he received a warm reception from the fans, something that Arteta believes will be a significant boost to the player’s confidence. Calafiori’s ability to play in multiple positions, combined with his strong physical presence and defensive prowess, is expected to be a major asset for the team.

Arteta has highlighted Calafiori’s versatility, believing that his presence will expand the tactical options available to the team. Particularly in attacking situations, Calafiori’s ability to cover various positions will present a formidable challenge to opposing teams.

Interview Questions and Answers

  • Question 1: Riccardo Calafiori received a special welcome at the Emirates. What did you make of the reaction he got?
    • Arteta’s Response: I just love it. When the fans react like that to one of our own, it’s fantastic. The players immediately feel loved, respected, and supported, which is an unbelievable platform for any new player joining our club.
  • Question 2: What new elements do you think Calafiori brings to the team, especially in comparison to other defenders?
    • Arteta’s Response: He brings a lot of versatility. He can occupy different spaces in attack, which adds a new threat to our opponents. Defensively, his presence and physicality are very strong, and I believe he will raise the overall defensive performance of the team.
  • Question 3: What role do you see Calafiori playing in the upcoming matches?
    • Arteta’s Response: He’s a player who can adapt to both attacking and defensive roles very effectively. As the season progresses, his ability to confidently play in various positions will be incredibly valuable to the team. His growth will broaden our tactical options and provide more choices.
  • Question 4: How do you view the evolution of the team’s set-pieces?
    • Arteta’s Response: We are constantly evolving. Today’s goals from set-pieces were great because they build confidence and add another layer of threat to our game. We will continue to work on this aspect and aim to remain unpredictable in our approach.

Challenges and Expectations Ahead

Arteta also praised the team’s ability to score from set-pieces during the preseason, viewing this as a key strength going into the new season. However, he stressed the need for the team to continue evolving, emphasizing that sustained performance throughout the season will require ongoing effort and adaptation.

Regarding Calafiori, Arteta expects him to grow and become a central figure in the team. His defensive skills, tactical understanding, and ability to perform in various positions are anticipated to add a new dimension to Arsenal’s defense.


Mikel Arteta is generally pleased with the team’s performance, but he is particularly optimistic about Riccardo Calafiori’s future at Arsenal. The young defender’s debut, coupled with the strong support from fans, will be crucial for his success in the upcoming season. Calafiori is poised to become a new cornerstone of Arsenal’s defense, with his growth and development being closely watched as the season unfolds.