試合後記者会見: レアル・ソシエダ vs レアル・マドリード

La liga



  1. 試合の概要と勝利の重要性
  2. ビルドアップとプレスへの対応
  3. 選手の負傷状況とコンディション
  4. ペナルティキックに関する選手たちの自主性
  5. ムバッペのパフォーマンスと成長
  6. チームの現状と改善点
  7. 試合後の分析と未来への展望
  8. 結論: 勝利の価値と今後の課題
  9. インタビュー全文 (英語)

1. 試合の概要と勝利の重要性



2. ビルドアップとプレスへの対応



3. 選手の負傷状況とコンディション



4. ペナルティキックに関する選手たちの自主性



5. ムバッペのパフォーマンスと成長



6. チームの現状と改善点



7. 試合後の分析と未来への展望



8. 結論: 勝利の価値と今後の課題





Reporter: “What do you think about the match, and how is Brahim doing?”

Coach: “It was a complicated game for us, and honestly, we probably didn’t deserve to win. Real Sociedad played very well tonight, applying a lot of pressure on us. It was difficult for us to play out from the back. However, we held on and showed great collective commitment, especially in difficult moments of the match. That type of sacrifice and commitment from a team filled with quality players is rare, and today we found it. Brahim had some discomfort in his abductor muscle, which is why he had to be substituted, but we’ll run some tests tomorrow to understand the extent of his injury.”


Reporter: “Have you identified why the team struggled to break out from the opposition’s press?”

Coach: “Simply put, our buildup play wasn’t good enough. The opposition pressed very well, particularly in our half, which made it difficult to find free players for the pass. Real Sociedad executed their pressing strategy efficiently, and we had trouble finding solutions quickly enough. We’ll need to work on that aspect moving forward, especially when faced with such high pressure from strong teams.”



Reporter: “Brahim asked to be substituted, and Militao finished the match limping. Are they going to be ready for the next match? Are you concerned about the burden on your defensive players for the rest of the season?”

Coach: “Militao is fine. He finished the match with some discomfort but nothing serious. Brahim, on the other hand, felt some discomfort in his abductor muscle, so we’ll run tests tomorrow to see how he’s doing. I’m not overly concerned about the burden on our defensive players, but we’ll need to rotate them a bit more in the coming matches. With the midfield situation as it is — practically missing all of our midfielders today — we were in a kind of emergency situation. But for the next few games, we should have more players available, which will allow us to rotate the squad better.”



Reporter: “Have you seen the penalties? The first one was obvious, but what’s your opinion on the second?”

Coach: “Regarding the penalties, it’s ultimately the players’ decision on the field. For the first penalty, they decided that Vinicius should take it, and for the second one, they decided Kylian should take it. The players themselves bear the responsibility for those decisions. As for the second penalty, I haven’t seen the footage yet, but when the referee went to check the VAR screen, he seemed confident about his decision, so I trust that judgment.”



Reporter: “On a scale of 1 to 10, how well is the team performing right now?”

Coach: “We’re certainly not at our best level, but that’s normal at this stage of the season. Many players are improving individually, and that’s a good sign. We could focus on all the problems we had in this match, but ultimately, we’re happy to have won because it was crucial to start this stretch of matches with a victory. We know there are many more matches ahead, and this gives us a good platform to build on. However, I’m aware that we’re not at our peak, particularly with four key midfielders missing. That’s something we need to address as we move forward.”



Reporter: “Do you think this is one of those matches you’ll look back on and value the points, even if you weren’t entirely satisfied with the performance?”

Coach: “Yes, I do feel satisfied. While it’s true that we’ll need to critique certain aspects of the match and look for ways to improve, right now, we have three more points on the table, and at this moment, that’s the most important thing. This match is a great opportunity for us to analyze and solve the problems we had today. But now, we have three more points, and that gives us confidence moving forward.”



Reporter: “Today, we noticed that when Mbappe left the pitch, you applauded him. Do you think this was his best performance for Real Madrid so far?”

Coach: “I saw him fresher today, more active with the ball. He’s creating a lot of danger and is starting to combine well with Vinicius and the other attackers. He’s definitely improving a lot, and I really liked his performance today. He’s becoming more of a key player with each match, and we’re starting to see the kind of player he can become for Real Madrid.”



Reporter: “Do you think the second penalty was fair? What do you think about Vinicius’ celebration after the first penalty when he shushed the crowd? Is that something you would want to correct, or do you approve of that attitude?”

Coach: “I don’t really comment on these things. Everyone has their own opinion, and I keep mine to myself when it comes to celebrations. As for the second penalty, honestly, I haven’t seen the footage yet, but when the referee went to check the VAR screen, he saw it clearly and seemed certain. So I trust his decision.”
