フットボールのオフサイドの定義と2024年8月3日のオリンピックサッカー日本vスペインのオフサイド判定について”Definition of Offside in Football and Offside Decisions in the Japan vs Spain Match at the 2024 Olympics on August 3”

    • 概要




      • 攻撃側の選手が、守備側の最後の2人目の選手よりも前にいる。
      • ボールがパスされる瞬間に、攻撃側の選手がオフサイドポジションにいる。




      1. オフサイドポジション:攻撃側の選手がボールより前に位置し、相手ゴールに最も近い2人目の選手よりも前にいる場合。
      2. プレイへの関与:オフサイドポジションにいる選手がプレイに関与することで、相手チームに影響を与えた場合。これには以下の行為が含まれます:
        • ボールに触れる、またはプレイしようとする。
        • 相手のプレイを妨害する。
        • 明らかなプレイの機会を得る。



      • ゴールキック、コーナーキック、スローインから直接受けた場合。
      • 自陣からのパスやクリアランスを受けた場合。



      • 攻撃側の選手が守備の背後に走り込んでパスを受ける場合。
      • オフサイドポジションから自陣に戻る場合。

      図1: VARによる従来のオフサイド判定の例。守備側の選手より前に位置する攻撃側の選手。




      図2: 選手が相手の足よりも前に位置し、足元でボールを受けた際のオフサイド判定の例。




      • 前半終了間際の判定:前半終了間際に、日本の細谷のゴールがオフサイドで取り消されました。この判定は、細谷がボールを受けた瞬間にオフサイドポジションにいたためです。これにより、得点が認められず、日本は0-1で前半を終えました。
      • ミリ単位の判定の重要性:このような1センチや数ミリメートル単位の判定は、試合の流れに大きな影響を与えます。今回の試合では、技術の進歩により正確な判定が求められ、その結果が試合結果に直結しました。




      • ミリ単位の判定:今回のオフサイド判定は、1センチや数ミリメートル単位での判断が必要とされるものでした。こうした判定が試合の流れや結果に与える影響は大きいです。
      • 技術の進歩:VAR(ビデオ・アシスタント・レフェリー)などの技術の導入により、より正確な判定が可能となりましたが、それに伴う議論も増えています。






      In soccer, the offside rule significantly affects the flow of the game. Recent technological advancements have enabled decisions to be made with precision down to a centimeter or even millimeters, which has sparked much debate. Here, we will discuss the basic rules of offside and how recent decisions have influenced the outcome of matches, particularly focusing on traditional offside situations and the rare case where a player receives the ball at their feet while facing away from the opponent.

      Basic Offside Rules

      In soccer, offside is applied when a player is ahead of the ball in the attacking half. Specifically, offside is called under the following circumstances:

      • The attacking player is positioned closer to the opponent’s goal line than the second-last defender.
      • The attacking player is in an offside position at the moment the ball is passed to them.

      Being in an offside position alone is not an offense. Offside is only called if the player in that position becomes involved in active play.

      Conditions for Offside Application

      For offside to be applied, the following conditions must be met:

      1. Offside Position: The attacking player is ahead of the ball and closer to the opponent’s goal line than the second-last defender.
      2. Involvement in Play: The player in the offside position influences the play by:
        • Touching the ball or attempting to play it.
        • Interfering with an opponent’s play.
        • Gaining an obvious advantage from their position.

      Situations Where Offside is Not Applied

      Offside is not applied in the following situations:

      • Directly receiving the ball from a goal kick, corner kick, or throw-in.
      • Receiving a pass or clearance from one’s own half.

      Traditional Offside Situations

      Typically, offside is called when a player:

      • Runs behind the defense to receive a pass.
      • Returns to their own half from an offside position after the ball is played.

      Figure 1: Example of a traditional offside decision by VAR, showing the player positioned ahead of the defender.

      Rare Offside Situations

      A less common scenario for offside occurs when a player receives the ball at their feet while facing away from the opponent. This situation often leads to significant debate due to its rarity and the precision required to make the correct call.


      Figure 2: Offside call where the player was ahead of the opponent’s foot while receiving the ball at their feet.

      Offside Decision in a Match

      In the 2024 Paris Olympics men’s soccer quarterfinals, Japan lost to Spain 0-3. In this match, an offside call on Hosoya’s goal just before halftime became a major point of contention.

      Key Moments in the Match

      • Offside Decision Before Halftime: Just before the end of the first half, Hosoya’s goal was ruled offside. The decision was made because Hosoya was in an offside position when he received the ball. As a result, the goal was disallowed, and Japan ended the half 0-1.
      • Importance of Millimeter Decisions: This type of decision, based on one centimeter or a few millimeters, significantly impacts the flow of the game. In this match, the technological advancements allowed for accurate decisions that directly affected the outcome.

      Impact of the Decision

      These strict offside decisions have a substantial impact on game tactics and player performance. Especially in crucial matches like this one, offside decisions can be a decisive factor in the game’s outcome.

      Insights Based on Numbers

      • Millimeter Decisions: The offside call in this match was made based on one centimeter or a few millimeters. These precise decisions have a significant influence on the game’s flow and result.
      • Technological Advancements: The introduction of technologies like VAR (Video Assistant Referee) has allowed for more accurate decisions, but has also sparked more debates.


      In this match, offside was called when a player received the ball at their feet while facing away from the opponent. This rare situation caused significant debate both domestically and internationally. As shown in Figure 1, such decisions based on small margins are extremely strict but accurate. In this specific case, the player received the ball at his feet, making it a rare scenario. As technology continues to advance, more precise decisions will be expected.


      The offside rule is crucial in soccer, significantly affecting match outcomes. Recent technological advancements have allowed for more accurate decisions, ensuring fairness but also raising debates about strictness. Understanding and addressing offside is vital in soccer tactics and player performance.