「エンドリック:レアル・マドリードへの夢と現実」”Endrick: The Dream and Reality of Joining Real Madrid”

La liga
























  1. サッカーを始めたきっかけは?
    • 「4歳の頃から父親の影響でサッカーを始めました。父がプレーする姿を見て、サッカーに魅了されました。」
  2. 一番尊敬する選手は誰ですか?
    • 「クリスティアーノ・ロナウドです。彼の生き方や成し遂げたことに深く感銘を受けました。彼のプレースタイルやプロフェッショナリズムに影響されて、私もサッカーに情熱を持つようになりました。」
  3. レアル・マドリードへの移籍が決まった時の気持ちは?
    • 「夢が現実になった瞬間でした。信じられないほど幸せでした。子供の頃からの夢が叶い、まるで信じられないような気持ちでした。」
  4. レアル・マドリードでの目標は何ですか?
    • 「クラブの歴史に名を刻むこと、そしてタイトルを獲得することです。レアル・マドリードで大きな成功を収めたいと考えています。」
  5. ソーシャルメディアの影響についてどう感じていますか?
    • 「注目されることはありますが、それにとらわれることなく、自分のやりたいことに集中しています。15歳の時にInstagramで1ミリオンのフォロワーを達成しましたが、それ以来もフォロワーが増え続けています。ただ、私はサッカーを楽しみ、家族を喜ばせることが一番重要だと思っています。」
  6. 現在のプレッシャーや期待に対してどう対処していますか?
    • 「プレッシャーや期待は確かに大きいですが、私は冷静にそれを受け止めています。サッカーを楽しむことが私にとって最も大切であり、それが私を支えてくれています。家族のサポートも大きな助けになっています。」
  7. 将来の目標や夢は何ですか?
    • 「まずはレアル・マドリードで成功を収めることが目標です。さらに、世界のトッププレーヤーとして成長し、数々のタイトルを手に入れることが夢です。」
  8. 現在の状況に満足していますか?
    • 「非常に満足しています。レアル・マドリードでのプレーは私の夢の一つでした。これからも努力を続け、もっと成長したいと考えています。」
  9. 特に期待しているチームメイトはいますか?
    • 「特定の選手を挙げるのは難しいですが、FIFA(ゲーム)でしか一緒にプレイしたことのない選手たちと実際にピッチで共に戦えることをとても楽しみにしています。」
  10. 家族のサポートはどのように感じていますか?
    • 「家族のサポートは私にとって非常に重要です。彼らが私の成功の鍵であり、彼らの期待に応えるために努力を続けています。」


      Endrick sees his transfer to Real Madrid as the realization of a lifelong dream, expressing profound joy in achieving what he has always aspired to. Influenced by football legends, he is determined to leave his mark on history. He remains composed under pressure and focused on enjoying the game. His strong beliefs and love for his family are his foundation.

      Article Body

      Endrick’s Childhood and Passion for Football

      Endrick was born into a football-loving family. His father was also a football player, and it was under his influence that Endrick started playing the sport at the age of four. Watching his father play in matches left a lasting impression on him and sparked his passion for football. This early exposure became the foundation of his love for the game.

      “I started playing football at the age of 4, influenced by my father. Watching him play sparked my love for the game,” Endrick recalls.

      The player who had the most significant impact on Endrick was Cristiano Ronaldo. Deeply inspired by Ronaldo’s playing style, professionalism, and achievements, Endrick aspired to follow in his footsteps and achieve similar success in football.

      The Dream of Real Madrid and Making It a Reality

      For Endrick, Real Madrid was a childhood dream. He admired Ronaldo’s performances and dreamt of one day playing for the same club. When that dream became a reality, he expressed his overwhelming happiness, saying, “It was the moment when my dream became reality. I was incredibly happy. It felt like a dream come true, something I had always wished for since I was a child.”

      At Real Madrid, Endrick’s goals are clear: to make his mark in the club’s history and win numerous titles. He is determined to achieve great success at this prestigious club.

      Social Media and Public Attention

      Endrick also shared his experience of gaining a massive following on Instagram. He reached 1 million followers at the age of 15, and his follower count has continued to grow, now surpassing 11 million. However, he remains focused on enjoying football and not getting distracted by the attention.

      “While the attention is there, I focus on doing what I love without getting caught up in it,” he says.

      He emphasizes that his main priority is enjoying the game and making his family happy.

      Handling Pressure and Family Support

      Playing for a big club like Real Madrid comes with significant pressure. However, Endrick takes it in stride, remaining calm and focused. For him, the most important thing is to enjoy playing football, which helps him stay grounded. Additionally, the support of his family plays a crucial role in his success.

      “The pressure and expectations are certainly high, but I remain calm and focused. Enjoying football is the most important thing to me, and it helps me stay grounded. My family’s support is also a huge help,” he states.

      Future Goals and Dreams

      Endrick’s ultimate goal is to grow into one of the world’s top players and win numerous titles. His immediate focus is on achieving success at Real Madrid, after which he aims to take on even greater challenges.

      “My immediate goal is to achieve success at Real Madrid. Beyond that, I aim to grow into one of the world’s top players and win numerous titles,” he says.

      He is very satisfied with his current situation and vows to continue working hard to achieve further growth.

      Interview Questions and Answers

      1. How did you start playing football?
        • “I started playing football at the age of 4, influenced by my father. Watching him play sparked my love for the game.”
      2. Which player do you admire the most?
        • “Cristiano Ronaldo. I’m deeply inspired by his life and achievements. His playing style and professionalism have influenced me to develop a deep passion for football.”
      3. How did you feel when your move to Real Madrid was confirmed?
        • “It was the moment when my dream became reality. I was incredibly happy. It felt like a dream come true, something I had always wished for since I was a child.”
      4. What are your goals at Real Madrid?
        • “To make my mark in the club’s history and win titles. I aim to achieve great success at Real Madrid.”
      5. How do you feel about the impact of social media on your life?
        • “While the attention is there, I focus on doing what I love without getting caught up in it. I reached 1 million followers on Instagram at the age of 15, and my followers have continued to grow since then. However, my main focus is enjoying football and making my family happy.”
      6. How do you handle the pressure and expectations you face?
        • “The pressure and expectations are certainly high, but I remain calm and focused. Enjoying football is the most important thing to me, and it helps me stay grounded. My family’s support is also a huge help.”
      7. What are your future goals and dreams?
        • “My immediate goal is to achieve success at Real Madrid. Beyond that, I aim to grow into one of the world’s top players and win numerous titles.”
      8. Are you satisfied with your current situation?
        • “I’m very satisfied. Playing for Real Madrid was one of my dreams. I want to keep working hard and continue to grow.”
      9. Is there a particular teammate you are looking forward to playing with?
        • “It’s hard to name a specific player, but I’m really looking forward to playing on the pitch with players I’ve only played with in FIFA (the video game).”
      10. How important is your family’s support to you?
        • “My family’s support is incredibly important to me. They are the key to my success, and I continue to work hard to meet their expectations.”