
La liga









  1. 質問: 「今回のリーガ初戦で、チームに何が欠けていたと思いますか?」
    • 回答: 「序盤は良いスタートを切りましたが、次第にバランスを失い、特に後半では守備が崩れてしまいました。これは、チーム全体の守備意識が足りなかったことが原因です。我々は攻撃的なチームですが、守備においてもバランスを取る必要があります。」
  2. 質問: 「後半での選手交代が遅かったのではないかという意見がありますが、それについてどうお考えですか?」
    • 回答: 「選手交代のタイミングは常に議論の対象となります。確かに、もっと早く交代するべきだったかもしれませんが、それは結果論です。重要なのは、チーム全体のパフォーマンスです。」
  3. 質問: 「昨シーズン、引き分けをポジティブに捉えていた試合がありましたが、今回の引き分けはどう評価されますか?」
    • 回答: 「昨シーズンは、いくつかの引き分けに満足していましたが、今回はそうではありません。この試合では、もっと良い結果を出すことができたはずです。我々は2ポイントを失ったと感じています。」
  4. 質問: 「今後の試合で、攻撃の布陣を変更する可能性はありますか?」
    • 回答: 「現在のところ、大きな変更を行う予定はありません。しかし、試合状況に応じて柔軟に対応する必要があります。選手たちのパフォーマンスや相手チームの戦術に応じて、ポジションを微調整することはあります。」
  5. 質問: 「守備面での問題を解決するために、チームとしてどのように取り組む予定ですか?」
    • 回答: 「守備において、チーム全体の意識を高める必要があります。特に、ボールを失った後のプレッシャーのかけ方や、守備ラインと中盤の連携を改善しなければなりません。これは、チーム全体で取り組むべき課題です。」
  6. 質問: 「試合の後半でチームのパフォーマンスが低下した原因は、フィジカル面かメンタル面のどちらにあるとお考えですか?」
    • 回答: 「これは主に、チームが試合の展開に応じて適切に集中力を保つことができなかったことに起因します。フィジカル面やメンタル面の問題ではなく、チーム全体が一つの目的に向かって結束できていなかったことが問題でした。」
  7. 質問: 「守備のバランスを見直すために、戦術的な変更を考えていますか?」
    • 回答: 「守備のバランスを改善するためには、全員が守備時に同じ意識を持つことが重要です。前線からのプレッシャーと中盤および守備ラインの連携がしっかりと機能することで、全体的な守備の安定性が向上します。」



Article Title (English)

“Carlo Ancelotti’s Detailed Analysis After the Mallorca Match: Defensive Challenges and Real Madrid’s Strategic Outlook”

Article Body (English)


Carlo Ancelotti offered a detailed and critical analysis of Real Madrid’s performance following their draw against Mallorca in 2024. The key issue highlighted in this match was the team’s lack of balance, particularly in defense. Ancelotti emphasized that the team needs to learn from this match and focus on regaining a balance between defense and attack in future games.

Detailed Explanation

The opening match of the 2024 season against Mallorca was a significant one for Real Madrid, but it ended in a 1-1 draw. The team started strong, scoring an early goal, but as the match progressed, they gradually lost their balance, especially in defense during the second half.

In the post-match press conference, Ancelotti acknowledged that the team struggled to maintain its balance, particularly in the second half, where defensive issues became apparent. The coach pointed out that the team allowed Mallorca too many opportunities, failing to assert their dominance throughout the match.

Ancelotti highlighted the team’s lack of defensive awareness, particularly the coordination between the midfield and defensive lines, which did not function effectively. He also emphasized the need for the team to maintain their aggressive playing style while reassessing their defensive balance.

Full Interview Transcript

Below is a detailed account of the exchange between Ancelotti and the press during the post-match conference.

  1. Question: “What do you think was missing in the team’s debut in La Liga?”
    • Answer: “We started well, but as the game progressed, we lost balance, especially in the second half where our defense struggled. This was due to a lack of overall defensive awareness. We are an attacking team, but we need to balance this with our defensive duties.”
  2. Question: “There are opinions that the substitutions in the second half were late. What are your thoughts on that?”
    • Answer: “The timing of substitutions is always a matter of debate. Indeed, we might have made changes earlier, but that’s hindsight. The important thing is the overall team performance.”
  3. Question: “Last season, you were positive about some draws that the critics and press did not value as much. How do you see today’s draw?”
    • Answer: “Last season, there were draws we were satisfied with, but not today. In this match, we believe we could have done much better. We feel like we lost two points rather than gained one.”
  4. Question: “Do you plan to change the attacking lineup in upcoming matches?”
    • Answer: “At the moment, we do not plan any significant changes. However, we must be flexible depending on the situation. We might adjust positions slightly based on player performance and the opponent’s tactics.”
  5. Question: “What steps will the team take to resolve the defensive issues?”
    • Answer: “We need to enhance the team’s overall defensive awareness. Particularly, we need to improve how we press after losing possession and the coordination between the defense and midfield. This is a task for the entire team.”
  6. Question: “What do you think caused the drop in performance in the second half—was it a physical or a mental issue?”
    • Answer: “It mainly came down to the team’s inability to stay focused on the game’s flow. It wasn’t a physical or mental issue; rather, the team as a whole wasn’t united towards the same goal.”
  7. Question: “Are you considering any tactical changes to improve the defensive balance?”
    • Answer: “To improve defensive balance, it’s crucial that everyone on the team shares the same defensive mindset. Effective coordination between pressing from the front, midfield support, and defensive lines will enhance overall stability.”

Future Outlook

Real Madrid faces several challenges heading into the 2024 season. Ancelotti acknowledges the urgent need for defensive improvements and has indicated plans to adjust the team’s tactics to achieve a more balanced performance. As the season progresses, it will be crucial to see how the team grows and overcomes these challenges.