
La liga
SAN SEBASTIAN, SPAIN - SEPTEMBER 30: Takefusa Kubo of Real Sociedad celebrates after scoring the team's second goal during the LaLiga EA Sports match between Real Sociedad and Athletic Bilbao at Reale Arena on September 30, 2023 in San Sebastian, Spain. (Photo by Juan Manuel Serrano Arce/Getty Images)

1. はじめに: 日本サッカー界の象徴の台頭



2. シーズン概要: 2024/2025年ラ・リーガでの久保のパフォーマンス










3. 守備面での貢献: 攻撃のスペシャリストを超えて



久保は今シーズン7回のタックルに勝利し、成功率は58% 。彼の主な役割はゴールを決めて決めることだが、守備にも積極的に参加する姿勢は彼の勤勉さを示している。また、 63回のデュエルにも勝利しており、ボール奪還における競争力の高さがさらに際立っている。



4. 戦術的適合性:レアル・ソシエダのシステムにおける久保の役割





5. キャリアの節目: ヨーロッパサッカーの旅






久保選手のレアル・ソシエダへの移籍は、彼のキャリアにおける転機となった。同クラブで100試合以上出場し、 19ゴールを記録した久保選手は、攻撃陣の要となった。また、安定したパフォーマンスでファンからも人気を集めている。

6. 国際的なキャリア:世界の舞台で日本を代表する


7. 市場価値と移籍の憶測





8. 選手の特徴と比較


  • 技術力:久保選手のボールコントロールとドリブルは世界レベルです。
  • ビジョンとパス:困難な状況でチームメイトを見つける能力は彼のゲームの特徴です。
  • 労働率: 久保の守備面での貢献は、チームに対する彼の献身を浮き彫りにしている。



9. 結論:久保建英の将来










リバプールへの移籍もまた、そろそろ選択肢です。 モモド・サラーがクラブを離れる可能性がある中で、久保がその後釜として期待されているという話もあります。即時にフィットする可能性は非常に高いと考えます。







バイエルンの場合、右ウイングの競争が激しく、選手層を考えて久保がスタメンの座を確保するのは難しいだろう。 同様に、チェルシーは若手選手を多く抱えており、毎年のように補強が行われる環境で久保が継続して活躍するのは大きなチャレンジとなります。



現在のレアル・ソシエダは、久保にとって非常に理想的な環境です。 チームの中心選手としてプレーし、足元でも彼の特徴が活かされています。ん。 一応、ソシエダでの成功をさらに積み重ね、次に確実に成功できる環境にステップアップするほうが賢明だと思います。






  • 選手名: 久保建英
  • 所属クラブ: レアル・ソシエダ
  • ポジション: 主に右ウイング、場合により攻撃的なミッドフィールダーやセカンドストライカー
  • 年齢:23歳(2024年現在)
  • 市場価値:約6,500万ユーロ



  • ゴール: 3
  • 期待ゴール (xG) : 1.7
  • シュート合計: 18
  • シュート精度:39%(18本中7本がオンターゲット)


  • アシスト: 0
  • 期待アシスト(xA) : 1.35
  • 得点チャンス獲得: 9
  • クロス成功率: 39.4%


  • 成功したドリブル: 23回
  • ドリブル成功率: 94%


  • パス成功率: 70.6%
  • ロングボール成功率: 55%


  • タックル成功数: 7回
  • タックル成功率: 58%
  • デュエル勝率: 63回
  • インターセプト: 5回
  • リカバリー: 16回


  • レアル・ソシエダでの出場試合数: 109試合
  • ゴール数: 19
  • アシスト数:なし(2024/2025時点での記録)


  • 日本代表での出場試合数: 40試合
  • 代表ゴール数: 3


  • 移籍金の想定額:約6,000万ユーロ~6,500万ユーロ(約100億円)
  • 譲渡候補クラブ: アトレティコ・マドリード、リバプール、トッテナム、バイエルン、チェルシー



  • ドリブル:高い成功率とディ切りフェンダーを超える能力
  • 視野と創造性: 狭いスペースでのプレーと正確なパス
  • 前進意識:攻撃的な選手でありながらも貢献


  • フィニッシュの安定性:得点能力の向上が必要
  • フィジカル強度: 厳しいリーグやマラソンでの更なる適応


  • 適応可能なフォーメーション:4-3-3、4-2-3-1、3-5-2
  • ポジショニング: 右ウイング、トップ下、セカンドトライカー
  • チームへの貢献: 守備から攻撃へのスムーズなトランジションを決める選手

    久保建英のパフォーマンス分析 (90分集計データ)



    • ゴール数: 0.31
      → 試合ごとに約3試合に1得点ペース。ポジションを考えると、まず第一の結果。
    • 期待ゴール (xG) : 0.18
      → ゴール機会の質が平均的。ゴール数が期待値を上回っており、決定力の高さを示します。
    • シュート数: 1.86
      → 毎試合2本近くのシュートを記録。うち0.72本が枠内に飛んでいる。
    • シュート精度 (xG on target) : 0.12
      → 決定的なシュートをより多く生む必要がある。



    • アシスト数: 0.00
      → アシストはまだ記録なし。
    • 成功パス数: 24.64
      → 試合ごとのパス回数がそこまで多くないが、プレースタイルの影響もある。
    • パス成功率: 76.4%
      → 正確性は良好だが、短距離パスの向上が課題。
    • ロングボール成功率: 55.0%
      → 支払いに応じて、ロングパスを有効活用している。
    • チャンス創造: 1.96
      → 毎試合約2回のチャンスを生み出す。創造性の高さが注目できる。
    • クロス成功率: 34.6%
      → ペナルエリアティへの効果的な供給も一定のレベルに達している。



    • ドリブル成功数: 2.37
      → ドリブル成功率46.9%で、対ディフェンダーの状況で一定の貢献。
    • タッチ数: 56.49
      → 試合で頻繁にボールに関与し、攻撃の起点としての役割を果たしている。
    • 相手ペナルティボックスでのタッチ数: 5.15
      → 試合ごとに攻撃ゾーンで多くの動きを記録。
    • ファウルを獲得した回数: 2.58
      → ボールを持つ際の危険性がディフェンダーのファウルを引き出している。



    • タックル成功数: 0.72 (成功率58.3%)
      → 攻撃選手としては良好な守備貢献。
    • デュエル勝利数: 6.49 (勝率45.7%)
      → フィジカル面では改善の余地あり。
    • 空中戦勝利数: 0.31 (勝率27.3%)
      → 空中戦での競争力は課題。
    • 回復数: 4.74
      → 飛行時にボールをもう一度見てみる。


    • 現所属クラブ (レアル・ソシエダ)
      • 2024/2025: 16試合、3ゴール、平均評価6.9
      • 2023/2024: 41試合、7ゴール、平均評価7.3
      • 2022/2023: 44試合、9ゴール、平均評価7.1
    • 過去のクラブ:
      • マジョルカ、ビジャレアル、ヘタフェなどでプレー。


    • 代表試合数: 2026年時点で7試合2ゴール
    • 過去のハイライト: U23での活躍 (6試合3ゴール、評価7.7)


    • 比較データ (他のアタッキングミッドフィルダー/ウィンガーとの比較) :
      • タッチ数:上位80%
      • シュート数: 35%
      • ゴール数: 30%
      • 獲得チャンス: 上位91%
      • 空中戦勝率: 33%
      • 守備行動: 27%


      • 1. Introduction: The Rise of a Japanese Football Icon

        Takefusa Kubo, a Japanese footballer currently playing for Real Sociedad in Spain’s La Liga, is a player whose technical skill, tactical intelligence, and creative ability have made him a standout figure in the football world. Known as the “Japanese Messi” since his teenage years, Kubo has consistently proven himself on some of football’s biggest stages. His journey from youth academies in Spain to the professional leagues, and now as a key figure in La Liga, offers a unique story of development, persistence, and excellence.

        This article provides an in-depth look at his recent performance metrics, his contributions to Real Sociedad, and his broader impact on the sport. By analyzing detailed statistics and his career trajectory, we aim to paint a full picture of what makes Kubo such a significant player for his club and country.

        2. Season Overview: Kubo’s Performance in the 2024/2025 La Liga Campaign

        Goals and Scoring Efficiency

        Takefusa Kubo has started the 2024/2025 season with Real Sociedad with remarkable attacking efficiency. Despite limited game time compared to some of his teammates, Kubo has already scored 3 goals this season. His expected goals (xG) figure of 1.7 demonstrates that he is finishing chances well above the average expectation. This aligns with his reputation as a player capable of delivering decisive moments, particularly in high-pressure situations.

        One of the standout features of Kubo’s attacking play is his ability to take accurate shots. Out of 18 total shots, 7 have been on target, translating to a 39% shooting accuracy rate. This balance between volume and precision makes him a dangerous asset in the final third.

        Dribbling and Chance Creation

        Kubo has also demonstrated his technical ability through his dribbling. With 23 successful dribbles and a success rate of 94%, he ranks among the best in La Liga for beating defenders one-on-one. His ability to retain the ball and advance play makes him a constant threat on the right flank. Beyond his dribbling, Kubo has created 9 goal-scoring chances, showing his capability as a playmaker who can influence the game even when he isn’t scoring.

        Assists and Passing Dynamics

        While Kubo has yet to record an assist this season, his expected assists (xA) value of 1.35 indicates that he has been providing quality opportunities for his teammates. His pass completion rate of 70.6% highlights his ability to maintain possession, even in tight spaces. Additionally, his accurate long balls (55%) further demonstrate his versatility, allowing him to switch play and break down defenses with precision.

        Crossing Ability

        Kubo’s crossing statistics reveal another critical dimension of his attacking play. With a 39.4% successful cross rate, he excels in delivering dangerous balls into the box. This aspect of his game is particularly valuable for a team like Real Sociedad, which relies on high-quality service to its strikers.

        3. Defensive Contributions: Beyond an Offensive Specialist

        Although Kubo’s primary role is as an attacker, his defensive contributions cannot be overlooked. In modern football, wingers and attacking midfielders are often required to press and track back, and Kubo has embraced this aspect of his game.

        Tackles and Duels

        Kubo has won 7 tackles this season, with a success rate of 58%. While his primary responsibility lies in creating and scoring goals, his willingness to engage defensively showcases his work ethic. He has also won 63 duels, further highlighting his competitiveness in regaining possession.

        Interceptions and Recoveries

        With 5 interceptions and 16 recoveries, Kubo demonstrates an awareness of defensive positioning. His ability to read the game and disrupt opponents’ attacking moves adds another layer of value to his all-around game.

        4. Tactical Fit: Kubo’s Role in Real Sociedad’s System

        Positioning and Versatility

        Takefusa Kubo primarily operates as a right winger, but his skill set allows him to function effectively as a central attacking midfielder or even as a second striker when needed. This versatility makes him an invaluable asset to Real Sociedad, enabling the team to adapt its tactics depending on the opponent.

        Contributions in Real Sociedad’s Build-Up Play

        Under Real Sociedad’s tactical system, Kubo plays a pivotal role in transitioning from defense to attack. His ability to carry the ball forward, combined with his precise passing, ensures smooth build-up play. Kubo’s movement off the ball also creates space for his teammates, further underlining his tactical intelligence.

        5. Career Milestones: A Journey Through European Football

        Early Years in Spain

        Kubo’s football journey began in FC Barcelona’s famed La Masia academy, where he was recognized as a prodigy from an early age. However, due to regulatory issues surrounding youth transfers, Kubo returned to Japan, where he continued his development with FC Tokyo.

        Return to Europe

        In 2019, Kubo signed with Real Madrid, marking his return to Spanish football. Although he never broke into the first team at Real Madrid, he gained valuable experience during loan spells at various La Liga clubs, including Mallorca, Villarreal, and Getafe. These stints allowed him to adapt to the physical and tactical demands of European football.

        Establishing Himself at Real Sociedad

        Kubo’s move to Real Sociedad has proven to be a turning point in his career. With over 100 appearances for the club and 19 goals scored, he has become a cornerstone of their attacking lineup. His consistent performances have also made him a fan favorite.

        6. International Career: Representing Japan on the Global Stage

        Takefusa Kubo has been an integral part of Japan’s national team across various age groups. At the senior level, he has made 40 appearances and scored 3 goals. His performances in international tournaments, including the Olympics and the AFC Asian Cup, have solidified his reputation as one of Japan’s most talented players.

        7. Market Value and Transfer Speculations

        Current Market Value

        Kubo’s market value stands at an estimated €65 million, reflecting his growing stature in European football. This valuation places him among the most valuable Japanese players in history.

        Potential Transfers

        As Kubo continues to excel, speculation about a move to a bigger club remains constant. Clubs in the Premier League, including Liverpool and Tottenham Hotspur, have reportedly shown interest. However, Kubo’s priority appears to be finding a team where he can continue to play regularly and develop further.

        8. Player Traits and Comparisons


        • Technical Ability: Kubo’s close control and dribbling are world-class.
        • Vision and Passing: His ability to pick out teammates in difficult situations is a hallmark of his game.
        • Work Rate: Kubo’s defensive contributions highlight his commitment to the team.

        Areas for Improvement

        While Kubo has made significant strides, he can improve his finishing consistency and physicality to become a more complete player.

        9. Conclusion: The Future of Takefusa Kubo

        Takefusa Kubo’s journey from La Masia to Real Sociedad exemplifies his resilience and ambition. As he continues to refine his skills and adapt to new challenges, the football world eagerly watches his next steps. Whether he remains at Real Sociedad or makes a high-profile transfer, Kubo’s trajectory promises to be one of the most exciting stories in modern football.

        Considering Takefusa Kubo’s Potential Transfer and Future: Perspectives

        1. Kubo’s Impact: The Potential Born from His Success at Real Sociedad

        Takefusa Kubo’s performance in Spain’s La Liga is undoubtedly attracting global attention. His contributions are evident in his dribbling breakthroughs on the right flank, defensive efforts, and overall dynamic presence across the pitch.

        As his success grows, so does his prominence in the transfer market, sparking the question among fans: “Where will Kubo play next?” When considering his next step, two essential factors come into play: opportunities for regular appearances and a platform for growth.

        2. Atletico Madrid: Adapting to a Defensive-Oriented System

        One of the most frequently mentioned destinations for Kubo is Atletico Madrid. However, adapting to their system might take time.

        While Kubo possesses quick decision-making and tactical intelligence, a defense-oriented club like Atletico would require him to take on new roles. For Kubo to thrive there, a long-term commitment from the club, similar to the support extended to Antoine Griezmann, might be crucial.

        3. Liverpool: A Potential Successor to Salah

        A move to Liverpool is also a viable option. With Mohamed Salah potentially leaving the club, Kubo has been mentioned as a candidate to fill his role. His ability to fit into the team immediately appears promising.

        Liverpool’s style of play is characterized by its speed and dynamic attacking approach, both of which align with Kubo’s dribbling and passing capabilities. However, the level of scoring responsibility placed on Kubo could influence the likelihood of his success.

        4. Tottenham: An Appealing Yet Unstable Choice

        Tottenham is another club frequently linked with Kubo. His playing style could thrive in their system.

        However, Tottenham’s structural instability is a concern. Their history of frequent managerial changes and inconsistent transfer strategies could create challenges for Kubo in finding a stable environment to flourish long-term. Compared to Liverpool or Atletico, Tottenham presents a higher level of risk.

        5. Other Clubs: The Possibilities of Bayern Munich and Chelsea

        Mega-clubs like Bayern Munich and Chelsea have also been mentioned as potential destinations. However, realistically, Kubo’s future at these clubs seems less promising.

        At Bayern, the competition for the right-wing position is intense, making it difficult for Kubo to secure a starting role. Similarly, Chelsea’s overcrowded squad of young players and frequent high-profile signings could pose significant challenges for Kubo’s consistency and long-term success.

        6. What Future Should Kubo Choose?

        When selecting his next club, Kubo should prioritize regular playing time and a system that fits his skills. Based on past experiences, Kubo performs best when he is actively participating in matches. Being benched for extended periods could hinder his growth and performance.

        Currently, Real Sociedad provides Kubo with an ideal environment. He plays as a central figure in the team, and his technical skills are well-utilized. Building further success at Sociedad before transitioning to a guaranteed environment for growth would be the wisest decision.

        7. Conclusion: Proceed with Caution Regarding Kubo’s Departure

        As speculation around Kubo’s potential transfer intensifies, his options are diverse.

        Ideally, seeing Kubo thrive in an attack-oriented team like Liverpool would be exciting. However, the stability and consistent growth he currently enjoys at Real Sociedad also hold significant value. Regardless of where he goes, the world will continue to support and watch Kubo’s next steps with anticipation.

        Key Information

        • Player Name: Takefusa Kubo
        • Current Club: Real Sociedad
        • Position: Primarily right winger, occasionally attacking midfielder or second striker
        • Age: 23 (as of 2024)
        • Market Value: Approximately €65 million

        2024/2025 Season Performance Metrics

        Offensive Contributions:

        • Goals: 3
        • Expected Goals (xG): 1.7
        • Total Shots: 18
        • Shooting Accuracy: 39% (7 of 18 shots on target)

        Chance Creation:

        • Assists: 0
        • Expected Assists (xA): 1.35
        • Chances Created: 9
        • Cross Accuracy: 39.4%


        • Successful Dribbles: 23
        • Dribble Success Rate: 94%


        • Pass Accuracy: 70.6%
        • Long Ball Accuracy: 55%

        Defensive Contributions:

        • Successful Tackles: 7
        • Tackle Success Rate: 58%
        • Duels Won: 63
        • Interceptions: 5
        • Recoveries: 16

        Club Career Statistics:

        • Appearances for Real Sociedad: 109 matches
        • Goals Scored: 19
        • Assists: None (as of the 2024/2025 season)

        International Career:

        • Appearances for Japan: 40 matches
        • Goals Scored: 3

        Transfer-Related Data:

        • Estimated Transfer Fee: €60-65 million (~¥10 billion)
        • Potential Transfer Destinations: Atletico Madrid, Liverpool, Tottenham, Bayern Munich, Chelsea

        Player Characteristics:


        • Dribbling: Exceptional success rate and ability to surpass defenders
        • Vision and Creativity: Accurate passing and playmaking in tight spaces
        • Work Rate: Strong defensive contribution despite offensive focus

        Areas for Improvement:

        • Finishing Consistency: Enhancing scoring ability
        • Physical Strength: Adapting further to physically demanding leagues

        Performance Analysis (Per 90 Minutes):


        • Goals: 0.31 (approximately one goal every three matches)
        • xG: 0.18 (consistent with high-quality opportunities)
        • Shots Per Game: 1.86 (0.72 on target)


        • Assists: 0.00
        • Successful Passes: 24.64
        • Pass Accuracy: 76.4%

        Ball Possession and Offensive Contributions:

        • Successful Dribbles: 2.37 (46.9% success rate)
        • Touches Per Game: 56.49
        • Touches in Opposition Box: 5.15

        Defensive Contributions:

        • Tackles Won: 0.72 (58.3% success rate)
        • Duels Won: 6.49 (45.7% success rate)
        • Aerial Duels Won: 0.31 (27.3% success rate)
Takefusa Kubo - stats, career and market value
Takefusa Kubo, Team: Real Sociedad, Age: 23, Country: Japan, Height: 174 cm, Preferred foot: Left, Shirt: 14, Market val...