イングランドフットボール協会(Football Association、以下FA)は、イングランド国内におけるサッカーの統括団体であり、世界初のサッカー協会として知られています。1863年に設立されたFAは、サッカーのルールの標準化と普及を目的に創立され、現在に至るまでイングランドサッカーの発展に重要な役割を果たしてきました。
FA(Football Association)が「EFA(England Football Association)」ではなく「FA」と呼ばれる背景には、イングランドの見栄や誇りも影響しています。世界初のサッカー協会として創設されたFAは、サッカーというスポーツが当初イングランドで発展したものであり、他に類を見ない独自性を持っていました。このため、他国がサッカー協会を設立する際にはそれぞれの国名を付加する必要がありましたが、イングランド自体はサッカーの「本家」としてそのような区別を必要としなかったのです。
収益源 | 概要 |
放映権 | FAカップやイングランド代表の試合の放映権販売からの収益。試合の注目度が高く、国内外のメディアから多くの収入を得ています。 |
スポンサー契約 | グローバル企業との提携による年間数百万ポンドの収入。FAはさまざまなスポンサーと契約し、サッカーの普及に貢献しています。 |
チケット販売 | 試合観戦チケットの販売収益。スタジアムでの観戦需要は高く、特にFAカップの試合では多くの観客が訪れます。 |
商業活動 | グッズ販売などを通じた収益の拡大。公式ユニフォームやグッズの販売はファンにとって魅力的なもので、これがFAの収入を支えています。 |
収益項目 | 年間収入 |
スポンサー契約 | 数百万ポンド |
商業活動(グッズ販売など) | 数百万ポンド |
投資対象 | 内容 |
グラスルーツプログラム支援 | 地域密着型のサッカーの育成と普及を目指し、子供たちや初心者向けのサッカー教室やイベントを開催しています。 |
スタジアム整備 | スタジアムやトレーニング施設の改善と整備。FAは地域のクラブにも支援を提供し、インフラを向上させています。 |
若手選手育成 | 若い選手たちへのトレーニングと支援。特にユースアカデミーの設立や育成プログラムを通じて次世代のトッププレイヤーを育てています。 |
期間 | 会長名 | 貢献の概要 |
1863-1867 | アーサー・ピューニングトン・キャンベル | FAの初代会長として、組織の基盤を築き、初期のサッカーのルール統一に貢献。 |
1870-1874 | エベネザー・コブ・モーリー | サッカーの統一ルールを作り上げた重要な人物。初期のサッカーの発展に寄与。 |
1890-1894 | チャールズ・アルコック | FAカップの創設者として、クラブサッカーの普及に大きく貢献。 |
1923-1939 | ジョン・チャールズ・コッカラン | 長期にわたり会長を務め、サッカーの大衆化を推進。 |
1963-1973 | デヴィッド・バーンビー・トーマス | 現代的なサッカー運営の基盤を築いた。 |
2000-2013 | ジョン・カーター・ボウズ | プレミアリーグの発展と国際的な連携を推進。 |
2013-2021 | グレッグ・クラーク | 多様性と包括性の促進に尽力し、サッカー界から差別を排除する取り組みを主導。 |
2021-現在 | デビー・ヒューイット | FA初の女性会長として、サッカーにおける多様性と包括性をさらに推進。 |
また、FAは多様性と包括性の推進にも注力しています。サッカーをすべての人に開かれたものにするため、性別、人種、障がいの有無を問わず、誰もが平等にサッカーを楽しめる環境づくりに取り組んでいます。「Kick It Out」などの反差別キャンペーンをサポートし、サッカー界から差別を排除するための活動を行っています。さらに、FAはLGBTQ+コミュニティのサポートや女子サッカーの普及にも力を入れ、多様な背景を持つすべての人々がサッカーに参加しやすい環境を整備しています。
What is The Football Association (FA)?
The Football Association (FA) is the governing body of football in England and is known as the world’s first football association. Established in 1863, the FA was founded with the aim of standardizing and promoting the rules of football, and it has played a significant role in the development of English football to this day.
The mission of the FA is to foster and promote football within England, providing opportunities for everyone, from professionals to amateurs, men and women alike, to enjoy the sport. The FA organizes many important activities, such as hosting the “FA Cup,” supporting the Premier League, and managing the England national teams, contributing to the promotion and enhancement of football’s competitive level.
Why “FA”?
The reason why the Football Association (FA) is referred to as “FA” rather than “EFA” (England Football Association) is partly due to English pride. As the world’s first football association, the FA was established at a time when football was initially developed in England, making it unique compared to other countries. Therefore, when other countries established their own football associations, they needed to add their country name for distinction, whereas England, being the origin of football, did not require such differentiation.
The name “FA” reflects England’s status as the original authority in football and conveys their pride that “we are the ones who laid the foundation of football.” This sense of pride and prestige is a manifestation of their identity as the home of football, and the simple name “FA” has remained a symbol that continues to command respect from other nations.
Establishment and History of the FA
The FA was founded on October 26, 1863, during a meeting held at the “Freemasons’ Tavern” in London. During this meeting, discussions were held to standardize the rules of football, marking the beginning of the rule-making that underpins modern football. The establishment of these unified rules allowed football to be more widely accepted and led to its rapid growth as an international sport.
The FA also established the “FA Cup,” the oldest cup competition in football, in 1871. This tournament continues to attract widespread attention as an opportunity for football clubs to demonstrate their prowess. The FA Cup is extremely popular within England, with numerous teams from both professional and amateur levels participating. The unpredictability of the tournament, with frequent “giant killings,” never fails to captivate fans.
FA’s Revenue and Financial Status
The FA generates significant revenue through various activities. The main sources of revenue are broadcasting rights, sponsorship deals, ticket sales, and commercial activities.
Revenue Source | Overview |
Broadcasting Rights | Revenue from the sale of broadcasting rights for the FA Cup and England national team matches. These matches are highly popular, and the FA earns substantial income from domestic and international media. |
Sponsorship Deals | Annual revenue of several million pounds from partnerships with global companies. The FA partners with various sponsors to contribute to the promotion of football. |
Ticket Sales | Revenue from the sale of match tickets. Demand for stadium viewing is high, particularly for FA Cup matches, which draw large crowds. |
Commercial Activities | Expanding revenue through the sale of merchandise. Official kits and merchandise are appealing to fans, supporting the FA’s income. |
Sponsorship deals play a crucial role in the FA’s financial health. Below are some key financial figures regarding revenue.
Revenue Item | Annual Income |
Sponsorship Deals | Several million pounds |
Commercial Activities (Merchandise Sales) | Several million pounds |
Moreover, the FA reinvests part of its revenue back into the development and promotion of football. Below is a table showing the main areas of reinvestment.
Investment Area | Description |
Grassroots Program Support | Aimed at fostering and promoting community-based football, organizing football classes and events for children and beginners. |
Stadium Development | Improvement and maintenance of stadiums and training facilities. The FA also supports local clubs in enhancing their infrastructure. |
Youth Player Development | Training and support for young players. Especially through the establishment of youth academies and development programs, the FA nurtures the next generation of top players. |
These investments contribute to enhancing the level of football competition and to the benefit of local communities.
FA’s Presidents Throughout History
The FA has had many notable figures serve as presidents, contributing to the development of football in England. Below is a list of the main presidents throughout history.
Period | President Name | Contribution Overview |
1863-1867 | Arthur Purnington Campbell | As the first president of the FA, he established the foundation of the organization and contributed to the initial standardization of football rules. |
1870-1874 | Ebenezer Cobb Morley | A key figure in creating unified football rules, contributing to the early development of football. |
1890-1894 | Charles Alcock | Founder of the FA Cup, significantly contributing to the spread of club football. |
1923-1939 | John Charles Cochran | Served as president for an extended period, promoting the popularization of football. |
1963-1973 | David Barnby Thomas | Laid the foundation for modern football management. |
2000-2013 | John Carter Bowes | Promoted the development of the Premier League and international cooperation. |
2013-2021 | Greg Clarke | Focused on promoting diversity and inclusion, leading efforts to eliminate discrimination from the football world. |
2021-Present | Debbie Hewitt | The first female president of the FA, further promoting diversity and inclusion in football. |
Relationship Between the FA and UEFA
The FA (Football Association of England) also has a deep connection with the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA). UEFA is the governing body for national football associations across Europe and organizes major international football tournaments such as the UEFA Champions League and the European Championship. The FA is one of the founding members of UEFA, and collaboration with UEFA is essential for English clubs and national teams to participate in European competitions.
The FA plays a role in maintaining the order and competitiveness of football throughout Europe by adhering to UEFA’s regulations and guidelines. The FA also actively participates in UEFA meetings and decision-making processes to reflect England’s position. This collaboration allows English club teams and players to gain opportunities to participate in international tournaments, contributing to the improvement of football standards.
Moreover, the FA has adopted UEFA’s measures concerning fair play and financial discipline, applying these standards to domestic clubs to maintain the integrity of the competition. The partnership between the FA and UEFA not only enhances the international status of English football but also contributes to the overall development of football across Europe.
Roles and Activities of the FA
The FA manages and operates the England national teams. It supports the men’s, women’s, and youth teams, aiming for success in international competitions. The FA is also involved in selecting coaches for the England teams and developing strengthening programs to improve their competitive performance.
Furthermore, the FA closely collaborates with domestic football leagues such as the “Premier League” and the “English Football League (EFL).” While the Premier League is run independently of the FA, the FA sets regulations and standards to maintain discipline and fairness across the leagues, ensuring that clubs and players adhere to these guidelines. Through these efforts, the domestic leagues maintain a high competitive level, ensuring the popularity and quality of football.
Grassroots Support and Promotion of Diversity
The FA is committed to promoting football, especially grassroots football, which focuses on community-based football. The FA provides opportunities for children and communities nationwide to enjoy football, actively promoting the sport from an early age. This effort not only helps in nurturing the next generation of football players but also contributes to health and cohesion within local communities.
The FA also places a strong emphasis on promoting diversity and inclusion. The FA works to ensure that football is open to everyone, regardless of gender, race, or disability, and strives to create an environment where everyone can enjoy the sport equally. The FA supports anti-discrimination campaigns such as “Kick It Out,” working to eliminate discrimination from football. Additionally, the FA puts considerable effort into supporting the LGBTQ+ community and promoting women’s football, creating an environment where people from all backgrounds can easily participate in football.
The Football Association (FA) is an organization with a long history of establishing football rules and developing the sport. From professional matches to grassroots levels, the FA has influenced many people through football, continually contributing to the development of English football.